Amateur Dipole Antenna Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give the horizontal length of a particular dipole (including Tees) antenna, or one side of it, for the frequency chosen. Enter the desired frequency and select the desired calculation from the drop box. Click on Calculate and the optimum length for that combination will be displayed in feet and inches. In the case of the Tee selection, the length given is for each of the two main elements AND each of the Tees; each side of the Tee is half the length of each main side. Lengths are given in feet, inches and fractions of inches, and in meters. The center of each Tee should be joined to the end of each of the dipole main elements. To optimize the antenna for a frequency RANGE, do the calculations twice, once for the low end of the range and once for the high end; then average the two and plan to adjust the VSWR on both ends of the range as needed.

Required Data Entry
Desired Frequency Mhz
Select Antenna Calculation Length
Calculated Results
Calculated Selected Dipole Length
Tribute to: Updated 8.12.11