Propagation Prediction software
As a SWL I'm not too proud to use amateur radio software, in fact, I positively embrace it e.g. as link below. W6ELProp by Sheldon Shannon W6EL is a vintage piece of free software alchemy. Like a fine wine it still serves us well for a taste of HF propagation prediction. Easy to install then enter just a few details to access maps and tables that present your most favoured listening bands. I find it to be indispensable. 73/55 Bob Houlston MA3053SWL
So let's get this straight. You want 'Voice Of America Communications Analysis and Prediction' software for a given hour during the day on a given month? "Yes." You want it to work on practically all PCs? "Yes." In addition to English you want a German help file? "Yes." And you want it all for free? "Well, yes please!" Look no further than the first link below. Julian Moss G4ILO is SK but his memory lives on via his exemplary contribution to free amateur radio software. But it doesn't stop there. The rest of his web site is worthy of investigation before it is closed. In particular I appreciated the 'Stealth / Covert' information via second link below. BTW if a web site you require should be unavailable then WayBack Machine web archive may be of use to you via third link below. In my experience some jpg pictures are likely to be absent but the text and gif images are saved but not software so expedite if you're going to download VOAProp if only to save it for later. When it's gone... it's gone. Source: 'Radio Propagation Explained' by Steve Nichols G0KYA RSGB bookshop. Having said all that you MUST read the installation notes before you tick the 'I agree' box. I struggled with the installation but hopefully YMMV. 73 Bob G4PVB